17 июня 2025

Место проведения: г. Санкт-Петербург,
Cosmos Saint-Petersburg Pribaltiyskaya Hotel


Мероприятия ИКС-Медиа

At the initiative of the professional community for the first time in Russia was established an annual award, which will bring out the best implemented projects to create data centers in Russia and the CIS

The prize is assigned by the professional jury, consisting of well-known Russian and foreign experts, who have   years of experience in the design, construction and operation of data centers. The choice of laureates passes by private voting of jury members, after studying the presentations and descriptions of objects.

Winning a prize promotes the image of the companies, involved in the project, namely the owners of sites together with designers and engineering contractor.

Representatives of the data center and / or their partners (owners, designers or engineering construction contractors) submit an application for participation in the Prize and provide all the necessary information, then the applications will be passed to the expert jury for the selection of nominees. The fundamental point is a promotion of successful performers-contractors, the willingness of customers to introduce new solutions, customers' attention to the energy efficiency and also savings in operating expenses at a higher implementation cost.

Voting results are announced during the award ceremony, which will take place within 10th annual conference of the "DC-2015." The ceremony is an event - Evening Gala Reception dedicated to the winners, where professionals interact in an informal setting. 
Timing and deadlines for submission of documents for participation:

The prize is awarded once a year in September during the annual conference of the DC conducted IKS-MEDIA (www.dcforum.ru). The first award ceremony will be held in 2015. The projects implemented in the period of 2013-2015 will be considered. 
Projects for participation are accepted from 1 September 2014 to 30 April 2015.

To participate in the Premium allowed:
Projects on creation of a data center physical infrastructure, modernization projects for existing data centers, the introduction of automation systems, significantly improving the efficiency and reliability of the data center infrastructure.

Award categories:

  • Project of the Year
  • The best solution in the field of power
  • The best solution in the field of cooling
  • The best integrated system
  • Integrated IT solution + engineering infrastructure

Генеральный спонсор

Генеральный спонсор

Генеральный спонсор


